Free Excel files for Six Sigma and business statistics
I enjoy making useful things freely available on Supply Chain View, so it’s good to find other people doing the same thing. There are 57 useful business statistics Excel files to download from the McGraw Hill website (to accompany the book Complete Business Statistics by Aczel and Sounderpandian).
Among others, there are calculations for testing difference in means, linear regression, exponential smoothing, t-tests and (as they say) many, many more.
This is a screenshot from the control chart sheet. The colours look garish (could be because I opened it with Open Office) but the calculations are sound.

Control Chart spreadsheet
Categories: Supply Chain Resources, Training and Reference.
Tags: control chart, excel, free resources, Six Sigma, SPC, statistics
Comments: 4
Comment from Martin Arrand
Time 8 March 2009 at 7:01 pm
@Fraus: Thanks for your comment. Looks like they moved the page. I have now fixed the link.
¡Que Vd tenga un buen día tambien! Espera que toda vaya bien en México. Gracias – Martin.
Comment from Kyle Bishop
Time 24 March 2009 at 8:31 am
Thats the link straight to the control chart.
Comment from Vikram
Time 10 February 2011 at 7:38 am
Thanks sooooooooooo much for sharing the URL to excel templates. Really a boon for someone who can’t install minitab for certain reasons. Much appreciated!!
Comment from Fraus
Time 7 March 2009 at 5:40 pm
the templates address didn’t work for me,
I don’t know if are the same files but I found this one
at the top of the page you will find a “see related pages” link where you can get more information and powerpoint presentations,
greetings from mexico, have a nice day,