Archive for the year 2011
The Economist: overheating emerging economies
I’ve just picked up this interactive chart from The Economist. I’m particularly interested in the risk of overheating in the Indian economy, as my most recent trips there certainly make me feel there is a bubble inflating, if only based on the simple heuristic of the number of property speculation SMSs I get on my […]
Categories: Supply Chain News and Comment.
Tags: China, emerging economies, India, logistics infrastructure
Comments: none
Centre of gravity for warehouse location – try the working model
I’ve just posted up a development version of a centre of gravity model for distribution centre location. It uses Google Maps, and it is really easy to use, and completely free. Try it here now. I regard it as a “toy” application, but I’m surprised how usable it is (down to the familiar Google interface […]
Categories: Supply Chain 101, Supply Chain Resources.
Tags: centre of gravity, Distribution, logistics, Strategy, supply chain model
Comments: 8
Teach Yourself Supply Chain Management in Ten Years
(with apologies to Peter Norvig) Some time ago, the wise and well-respected computer scientist Peter Norvig wrote an article called “Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years”. I read it recently and found it so full of good sense I couldn’t resist taking the spirit of Norvig’s thoughts and applying them to supply chain management. Norvig’s […]
Categories: Supply Chain News and Comment, Training and Reference.
Tags: CILT, numeracy, People Management, supply chain management, Young Professionals
Comments: 1
World Food Programme Logistics video
Here is a stirring video from the World Food Programme about their humanitarian logistics capabilities. The scope and scale are remarkable.
Categories: Supply Chain News and Comment.
Tags: Humanitarian Logistics
Comments: none
India’s consumer market drives supply chain growth
Today I’m continuing my analysis of supply chain management in India with some discussion of the economic context. India’s economy is growing very quickly – recently we’ve begun to worry that it’s growing too quickly, running the risk of overheating . But it would be odd if such a rapid transformation of the economy didn’t […]
Categories: Supply Chain News and Comment, Thought Pieces.
Tags: Distribution, economics, education, India, Retail Supply Chain
Comments: 1
Supply chain management in India
I am planning to write a few posts about supply chain management in India. I am in the country working with a local client for a couple of weeks, back for the first time since my 6 weeks living in Delhi earlier in 2010/11. This is a very exciting topic, and though I have been […]
Categories: Supply Chain News and Comment.
Tags: Distribution, emerging economies, India, logistics, logistics infrastructure, Warehousing
Comments: 4