Simple demonstration of slow and fast SKU forecasting
In December 2006 I presented seminar for the CILT on Supply Chain Inventory Management, and this very simple demonstration comes from that presentation. It is designed to highlight the different levels of forecast accuracy that we can achieve for slow and fast SKUs. (As I mentioned in my post from 29 Nov 06, estimating forecast […]
Categories: Training and Reference.
Tags: Forecasting
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Best forecasting method for your supply chain?
Let’s face it, we never think our forecasts are accurate enough. We suspect there must be a better way out there. Often this is down to the simple fact that forecasting is never precise. How can it be? I often think that one of the most important eureka moments for a supply chain professional is […]
Categories: Supply Chain Resources.
Tags: Forecasting
Comments: 4
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Categories: Supply Chain Resources.
Tags: Humanitarian Logistics
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